How to use your Gripcordz wrap.

Here's a step by step guide to using your GRIPCORDZ. align small loop with cord wrap the GRIPCORDZ loop around the cord and tuck the ball through the small loop completed wrap, with the ball tucked through loop grasp larger loop and wrap around the coiled cord place end of loop over ball to complete wrap.


Gripcordz History

Bill Krzyzanowski invented Gripcordz after over twenty years of experience as a professional photographer and videographer. Bill learned that the day to day life of a photographer meant dealing with miles of equipment and lighting cords. No matter how good the shot, behind the scenes ended up turning into a jungle of cables and equipment with no good solution in sight. After years of sifting through fragile plastic clamps and Velcro looking for a solution, Bill decided to make his own — Gripcordz was born. Gripcordz is more than just a cable management gadget: it’s useful in fastening any otherwise incompatible equipment, and can function as an impromptu fastener for cumbersome essentials. Gripcordz can replace…

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